What now?

I have been warning about the danger of the far right extremists movement since 45 came into power.  This movement is comprised of splintered groups with similar political ideologies.  Racially charged militia groups, QAnon conspiracy theorists, anti government groups, and violent opportunists. Their shared commonality is rooted in a quest for unbridled white power.  These evil forces are now boldly demonstrating their united violent ideological intentions.  Let me be perfectly clear, all white people are not white supremacists.  However, white supremacists drew a line in the sand for white people on January 6, 2021 demanding either you’re one of us or you are one of them.  Them meaning a believer in democracy.  The Civil War they have wanted for years is at hand.  There are veterans who have experienced combat in countries divided by political ideological differences, some are insurrectionists.  However, I believe there are many more who are not and stand read to defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic.

I’ve written that arrogance is the Achilles heel of White Supremacists.  Far right extremists plan to invade every capital in all fifty states fully armed.  Washington D.C. will have 20,000 National Guard Troops providing protection for the inauguration.  How well will all the other Capital cities be protected?  Will they be prepared?  No one knows the numbers of insurrectionists that will invade these Capitals.   In my opinion, far right extremists have an organizational advantage.  They’ve long been preparing for the right moment for insurrection.  And for them that moment was January 6, 2021.  I think that advantage was weakened because of their failure to successfully execute their initial objective, take the Capital building.   However, they’re still extremely dangerous and are attempting to gain a psychological advantage with threats of violence.  Republicans and Democrats who voted to impeach 45 have been bombarded with threats to their lives as well as their families from the insurrectionists.  The purpose of the violent threats are to generate fear and fear will spread if they and you allow it.  

The second attack will be local. Since there have been no efforts to organize local communities for such an attack, we are left with an individual reactionary response.    That means house by house must prepare for an attack.   They must come to you.

  1. If you don’t have weapons find a place in your home that provides the best protection from projectiles and flying fragments.  At the sounds of gun fire immediately move your family to that location.
  2. If you don’t have weapons and you know family members who do coordinate with them a reactionary response.
  3. If you have weapons and are not proficient in using them familiarize yourself with them as soon as possible.  Locate to best strategical position in your home or property that provides protection and allows visibility of an on coming attacker from as many angles as possible.  (You know your surroundings much better than they do.)
  4. If you have weapons and are proficient in there use, do what you know how to do.
  5. Establish communication methods and channels with family, loved one and friends as well as emergency response (police and fire).  Have on hand battery operated radios, flashlight, and external cell phone chargers.  
  6. Have medical supplies available to treat puncture wounds, deep cuts to include stopping bleeding and wound cleaning.  If you are not familiar with these items, research them online as soon as possible.
  7. Prepare to hunker down for some period of time having non perishable foods and fresh water available.
  8. Have reliable transportation fully fueled and garaged where possible in case of evacuation. Have an evacuation plan     These are just some of the precautions to take however, follow your survival instincts as they surely will kick in. Try to remain calm.  It will be difficult however, panic is not an option.  Rehearse your plans!

The country is now entering a violent political ideological divide induced by far right insurrectionists.  The National Government and local authorities maybe prepared to immediately shutdown this insurrection however, if they are not you are responsible for yours, and your families safety.   Remember “We the people” are in this together if we stand strong together in response to this insurrection the greater the chance we will overcome.  My motto is and has always been:  “Prepare for the worst and pray for the best”.  May God Bless you and your families!


1/15/2110:11am Sent from my iPhone