2/4/2016 Iowa Caucus

Iowa Caucus Results

The start of the voting process in Iowa for the registered American Citizens to choose from those who belief they have the qualifications to become President of the United States of America. At the completion of the Iowa caucus, Republican candidate Ted Cruz was the winner with 28% of the vote followed by Donald Trump at 24% and thirdly Marco Rubio at 23%. The next highest Republican was Ben Carson with 9% of the vote. The rest woefully is the low single digits: Rand Paul 5%, Jeb Bush 3%,, Chris Christie 2%, Carly Fiorina 2%, John Kasich 2%, Rick Santorum 1%, Jim Gilmore 0%. Hillary Clinton screech out margins which turns out to be the closest election result in Iowa Caucus history. We are talking decimal point close. The Bernie Sanders Champaign shrunk a 50-point earlier deficit to a photo finish. The caucus also saw the exit of one Republican (Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul and Democrat (Jim O’Malley).

Ted Cruz the Tea Party Senator from Texas whose foreign policy would include making the sand glow in parts of the Middle East was the winner. Donald Trump whose domestic policy would include rounding up 11 million illegal immigrants and deport them back to Mexico and build a wall along the border to keep out any future illegals and then make Mexico pay for the wall was their second choice. Marco Rubio, I don’t know what his domestic or foreign policies involve other than they are consistent with very conservative values.

What are Conservative Values? I’ve heard it described as less government, pro enterprise, free markets and the Republicans interpretation of the Constitution. They have been grouped by Very conservative, moderately conservative and conservative. Perhaps the party make up render more insight to the meaning of conservative.

Republican Independent Democrat
Non-Hispanic White 89% 70% 60%
Non-Hispanic Black 2% 8% 22%
Hispanic 6% 16% 13%
Asian 1% 16% 13%
Other 1% 1% 1%
Undesignated 1% 2% 2%

The data from the graph is approximately 4 years old it is only used to show trend and not the actual numbers to date. However, notably less diversity within Republican party.
In this post I will offer my first direct personal opinion. The comparative driven from the history of the party and what it has come to represent. Primarily, Anti-Obama, anti-equality for women, anti- people of color, anti-gay and transgender, anti-the right to all to vote, anti-the rights of workers. They are pro, removing the federal government’s authority from interference of state and local governments methods of operation, pro-wall street
and corporate America, Pro Big Banks current regulatory structure, Pro capitalism on steroids. The table below will illustrated my personal opinion of the definition of the word conservative by it’s party make up and it’s double downed of that reality.

Conservative Anti-Progressive
Moderate Conservative Very Anti-Progressive
Very Conservative Extremely Anti-Progressive

The term progressive is defined as: the belief in the movements in the country since its beginning seeking freedom and equality for all it people as it evolved. Millions up on Millions of lives of all races were sacrificed in the efforts to always move forward in a progressive process to live up to the words that were written in the Constitution. Always changing in ways to advance the equality of its entire people however, slow and tedious it moved forward. Things crystalized with the election of President Barack Obama. The republican political process immobilized to stagnate and retard the progression of the people’s constitutional gains.

(1) Opinion