12/3/2015 The Beginning

2:37 pm

As, I watch today’s new the story dominating the coverage was another mass shooting occurring in the United States of American. The reported 355th mass killing this year (mass killing is defined as 4 or more killed per occurrence}, in essence daily. The focus on whether it was motivated by domestic or international terrorism? The choices of weapons used in this latest act of terrorism were guns and of course the matter of gun control moved to the forefront. As well it should of, however, I submit that the root cause of this and any other terroristic act is evil domestic or international.
The media immediately targeted politicians for their responses the democrats calling for stricter gun control and the Republicans calling for less. However, nether identified the root cause, no problem can be counter measured until the root cause is determined. Guns are just symptoms of the problem any Band-Aid applied would result in a reoccurrence and the problem would persist and will accelerate.
As expressed earlier, I believe the root cause of terrorism is evil and evil is a human trait not material.

Hatred is the lifeblood of evil and the only substance of it’s DNA. Secondly, hatred is not an innate character flaw of human beings. It comes to life when a member of the human species causes harm or disrespect to another or a group of others. It also has another avenue to life through the belief that a person or persons are superior to others. Race, wealth, status are just a few of the sub sets chosen to express that belief. No matter the form its takes to life the more it spreads the more effective it becomes.

All responders be advised no responses to ignorance….